Our Services

Auto Insurance?

Auto insurance is an agreement between you and the insurer, safeguarding you from financial losses in case of an accident or theft. By paying a premium, the insurance company commits to covering your losses as specified in the policy.
Auto insurance offers coverage for:
Property – including damage to or theft of your vehicle
Liability – your legal obligations for bodily injury or property damage to others
Medical – expenses for treating injuries, rehabilitation, and occasionally lost wages and funeral costs
Basic auto insurance is required in most U.S. states, with varying laws. Coverage options are priced individually, allowing you to tailor coverage levels to your needs and budget.

Legal Aid

Civil legal aid provides legal assistance and advocacy for individuals living at or near poverty in legal matters that fall outside of the criminal justice system. For those facing civil legal challenges, such as unlawful evictions, foreclosure, domestic abuse, or wrongful denial of government assistance, navigating the justice system without a lawyer can be impossible. Unfortunately, unlike the Sixth Amendment right to counsel in criminal proceedings, courts have not recognized a right to a lawyer in the vast majority of civil cases. This puts justice out of reach for low-income people and undermines a fundamental principle of our nation: that the quality of justice should not be determined by a person's wealth.